Goldentime Leonding:
Edtstraße 7
4060 Leonding - Austria

Fon: +43 732 67 35 91

Opening hours:
daily 11:00 am - 04:00 am

Parking Public transport Facebook Instagram Twitter

Important notices

The management of Goldentime has no actual influence over the range of services, the availability over the whole of the guest accommodation area and the manner of client acquisition of the female guest/lady (sexual service provider), nor is it capable of exerting any, as female and male guests are treated equally once the day card has been paid for and the female guests have provided their health book (Geschlechtskrankheitengesetz - law on sexually transmitted infections).

The female guests active at Goldentime are all declared and registered prostitutes who are entitled to practice here on the condition that they are able to provide their so-called "Doctorbuch", also called a "Deckel" (health card) with all the required currently valid stamps as proof that they have undergone weekly health checks.

Because this precaution is not carried out with female companions (couples) such women are forbidden from engaging in sex acts with male guests other than their male companion (in order to avoid any legal discrepancy the female companion must certify this).

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Obst ist gesund!